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Seeking.com Review: Is Seeking Arrangements a Good Site for Luxury Dating?

seeking review

Seeking has been around for quite some time now, and it’s one of the more recognizable names in the online adult dating industry. This is perhaps due to the fact that they’re arguably the most popular luxury dating platform to grace the internet, but is it really an effective platform to provide you with hot singles (or couples) you can date?

Hush now, people, because you’re going to find an answer to that question – and more – by the time you finish reading everything that I’ve found out during my Seeking review for 2023.

And by then, you’ll be able to decide for yourself if Seeking is one of the best adult dating sites for you to check out.

Right from their homepage down to the kind of people you’ll meet on this hookup platform, you’re about to bear witness to the most comprehensive look at Seeking in 2023! 

Let’s get to it, folks!

A Quick Look at Seeking

What Seeking Does Well

  • User interface is highly streamlined and easy to use
  • Has a respectable number of active accounts
  • All members are verified prior to account activation
  • Creating an account is free
  • Member profiles are nicely comprehensive
  • Great search filter options
  • Features very customizable account settings

What Seeking Needs to Improve On

  • Account creation process was long and bothersome
  • Not a lot of emphasis on LGBTQ+ dating
  • Online magazine section looks like an afterthought
  • Needs more free features for basic accounts

A Few Standout Seeking Features

  • They provide a monthly membership structure for premium accounts
  • There’s an online guide for dating
  • Members are categorized by tiers
  • Online background checks are available

The Bottomline

If nothing else, Seeking is perhaps the most niche adult dating site online that’s gotten a lot of traction in the mainstream. It’s hyper-focused on its target demographic, and if you fit the bill, then there’s no reason for you to not check this hookup site and app. 

Having said that, Seeking has a lot of drawbacks as well, chief among them a severe lack of emphasis on LGBTQ+ dating. But given the almost 100% success rate of you finding a partner that’s baked into the whole dating setup, you can’t really argue with the results.

2023 Seeking Review – Scoring Made Easy

Seeking has gained for itself quite a reputation for being one of the premier luxury dating sites around. I, for one, have to be honest and say that I’m not so much into the whole dating rich men setup, but then again – I’m also not a fan of Fifty Shades of Grey.

Also, I’m an electricity bill away from being a bona fide hobo.

In all seriousness, though, I will say that Seeking had at least piqued my curiosity prior to starting this review. If nothing else, there’s a certain appeal that I see to finding out how the whole “business” of luxury dating works and, more importantly, how important a part Seeking plays in helping people out there conduct it through their adult hookup site.

Seeking Review 2023 – Legit. Perhaps too Legit.

I’m going to be honest with you guys: I haven’t really gotten into the whole luxury dating thing. It might be personal preferences, but I’m pretty sure it’s more because of the fact that I’m a broke MF whose main source of nourishment is instant ramen and condensed milk.

Seriously, though, I only thought of Seeking more as a marketplace to find dates than it is a legitimate hookup site, given their whole focus on luxury dating and all. So, did my opinions change after this review? 

Well, you’re about to find out!

Right at the onset, you can easily tell that Seeking isn’t the kind of adult dating site and app that’s made for everyone. Now, I don’t really know how I feel about this. 

On one hand, it’s great that a more niche approach to online hookups means you’re more likely to find people who share the same interests here on Seeking. On the other, though, the more an adult dating site becomes niche, the smaller the overall community gets.

Looking at the bright side, however, you can’t help but get attracted to Seeking’s streamlined homepage design. There’s no information overload to barrage you here; it’s all succinct and to the point.

The “point” being that Seeking advertises itself as an online dating site and app that’s aimed at providing “attractive” and “successful” members with “honest relationships”. 

It sounds oh so romantic, right? Noble even.

That is, until you find out that words like “attractive” and “successful” are all just advertising jargon as far as Seeking is concerned.

To be clear, these terms are actually designations that identify what role you play in a luxury dating setup. Learn more about it below:

“Successful” People

When it comes to Seeking, successful members are basically the more successful, often older, ladies and gents within the dating setup. 

Simply put, these are the members who procure the companionship of their respective partners in exchange of “gifts”, “allowances”, and/or “stipends” (just don’t call it a payment, because that would be prostitution, which Seeking is against).

“Attractive” People

On Seeking, an attractive member is simply anyone who’s a looking to hookup, regardless of gender. They’re the people who provide their dates with companionship as a way of “thanking” or “giving back” to their respective glucose guardians for all the “gifts” that they’ve received. 

In commercial parlance, they’re the service providers.

Of course, no self-respecting establishment will miss the chance to provide you with some data to back up their legitimacy, and few things provide you with more credibility than being featured on news outlets like CNN or Business Insider.

Just think about it: a site for luxury dating has been featured on Business Insider. That’s a match made in hookup heaven.

Seeking also takes this opportunity to let you know that they’ve kept up with the times. Whereas they exclusively focused on deluxe dating before, they’re now more open to other kinds of dating on their platform. More particularly, they’ve now opened their flood gates to all sorts of “premium” online dating experiences.

That’s cool.

Creating a Seeking Account – It’s Free, Not Easy!

Having gotten tired of all the sales talk from their homepage, I finally decided to create my own Seeking account to see if they indeed live up to all that chest puffing they’ve been doing on their homepage.

Welp, that’s disappointing

For an adult hookup site that won’t shut up about providing their users with a premium online dating experience, they sure do lack gender options. 

Come on, Seeking. I expected to have the rather gender insensitive “other” option to be available here at least. But to completely do away with genders not found in the Book of Genesis? That’s as far from premium as you can get.

Then again, perhaps what Seeking meant premium online dating experiences is an entirely different thing altogether. After all, you’d be hard-pressed to find an adult hookup site online that lets you receive a Cleveland Steamer and get a pair of Louboutins in the process.

Still, that’s not a good excuse for not including all our LGBTQ+ friends out there. 

Oh, well. That’s strike 1 for Seeking, I guess.

As far as asking you what kind of people you want to  meet on Seeking, the site slightly– and I mean ever so– does better by providing you with an additional option. Apart from the standard “man” and “woman” selection, you also get “both”.

So, yay for gender equality? 

I’m going to be blunt and say this is one of the laziest signup sheets I’ve seen on an adult hookup site. 

No, there aren’t any options here that will allow you to specify if you want to meet, say, a femdom transgender or an attached lesbian. And that’s a damn shame for an adult hookup site in 2023. 

So, yeah, I’m just going to go ahead and say it: if you’re a part of the LGBTQ+ community, you’re probably better off signing up with a different adult hookup platform. Seeking is just too rigid.

Remember that whole “successful” and “attractive” member designations I explained to you guys earlier? Yeah, this is the part where you get to decide if you want to be a luxury baby. 

And Seeking continues its rigidity by only allowing you to either choose to be either, not both. I let out an audible sigh when I saw this, honestly. It’s sad to think that you can only choose to either be the front end or back end of the proverbial human centipede, never the Lucky Pierre.

Then, on to the boilerplate stuff. You get asked for your account details, such as your email address, password, and all of the things you’d expect from joining a social media or adult dating platform online.

You do have the option of just linking your Facebook account to your Seeking account so you won’t have to key in all those details manually. But I’m not going to do that, because I don’t like taking big ol’ dooks where I eat. That’s adult online dating 101, people.

Once you’re done with that, Seeking will then guide you by the hand– or drag you, depending on your perspective– in filling in your member profile with details like your profile picture, user bio, etc. 

It’s nothing novel and all just part of the whole process that you’ll see on other adult hookup apps and sites like Ashley Madison or Adult Friend Finder.

But then, I encountered this:

That’s strike 2, Seeking.

Yep, the site automatically logged me out for reasons that I didn’t know at the time. As annoyed as I was, I chalked this one up to a minor hiccup in the whole process. Hey, maybe I just had to re-enter my details so that I can log back on to Seeking, right?


It didn’t take a couple of minutes when I received an email stating that Seeking straight up locked me out of my newly created account. 

Keep in mind that at this point in time, I had only been ripping on Seeking internally, so it can’t be that they locked me out of my account because I thought they’d been providing shitty service. Unless maybe we’re now living in a bizarro future world where their algorithms can literally read minds. They can’t do that yet, can they?

I’m freaking out.

Seriously, though, it also can’t be the fact that I violated their terms of use or whatever just yet, because I haven’t even perved on one single Seeking member when they decided I wasn’t welcome on their premium (LOL) online dating site.

And that leaves one likely reason: this is all automated, which means Seeking just probably didn’t like the cut of my jib or something. 

Suffice it to say that Seeking just became way, WAY worse in my opinion. Whereas it started as an annoyingly rigid adult dating platform, it quickly became a freaking chore just to become a member on this adult hookup site. 

We have to be fair here, though: of course it’s nice that there are security measures like this in place to make sure that no scammers or trolls seep into their online dating community. Hey, you got to take care of all your attractive and successful members, right?

Doesn’t make the whole experience any less frustrating, though.

Basic Memberships on Seeking – It’s Textbook Basic

I could have quit on this site right then and there, but let’s just say that I was able to create a basic Seeking membership a few hours later with a side of frustrated screaming and an intern’s helping hand. 

It was not fun. Not fun at all.

Let’s not get stuck in the past, though: I now have a Seeking profile – a working one at that – so it’s time I checked out what makes this online hookup site different from the rest of its competitors. 

Something caught my eye when I was logging on to my account, too:

Oh, boohoo. If you’re an escort, Seeking is not the place for you. 

When you think about it, what does this say about the platform? 

I damn near spilled my coffee when I realized and laughed out loud about the fact that this little disclaimer implies that, at the very least, there were escorts on Seeking but they’re not welcome here anymore

Hey, this is a luxury dating site, dammit! It’s not like sugar daddies and mommies, that are paying for sugar babies. They’re called “gifts”, thank you very much! 

That aside, let’s go back to my very own Seeking account. Like I said earlier, I was able to (freaking finally) successfully log on to this adult dating site.

That’s nice. 

Seeking’s whole member homepage looks streamlined and clean. You can even say that it looks bare-bones, which is a nice and refreshing alternative to other hookup sites and apps that love nothing more than shoving information right into your eyeballs.

Since my account was barely an hour old, you can see that Seeking helps you keep track of your profile completion progress by showing you a bar on top of your member’s homepage that shows you which steps you’ve already done or otherwise. 

Mind you, you’re going to need to complete each and every one of these tasks before you can start hooking up and connecting with other members on this platform. 

And as with today’s trends, Seeking will ask you if you want to activate push notifications so that you’ll immediately know whenever something is going on with your account even if you’re logged off the site.

I hate these pop-ups, or any pop-up ads for that matter, so thankfully this is the first and only one that I found on Seeking.

All in all, Seeking just has four primary pages that you can browse. Again, this is great: it’s all concise and to the point; they removed all the guff and just left what you might actually need when you start flirting with the many sweet babies and daddies/mommies on this adult dating site.

When you scroll down your own profile’s homepage, what will immediately catch your eye is this section where Seeking shows you their Diamond members. 

I had no idea what a “Diamond member” is at the time, and Seeking didn’t help one bit in this regard. It would have been nice– or decent, at least– to have a dropdown description appear when you hover your mouse over the words “Diamond member” but that’s not the case here. 

You’re welcome, though.

So, as far as this point in time is concerned, all I had to describe these diamond members was based on conjecture. Perhaps they’re members who have a high “gift” threshold in order for their daddies or mommies to take them out? Conversely, maybe they’re mommies/daddies that spend a lot on their attractive dates?

When you scroll further down, you’ll see the featured members on your profile’s homepage. These are basically the algorithm’s suggestions: the people that you might be interested in. 

Weirdly enough, if your main goal is to provide a premium online dating experience, shouldn’t you make it your priority to give your new members a list of suggested members as quickly as possible instead of, you know, flaunting your “diamond members”? 

But hey, I’m just a guest here. What the hell do I know, right?

As far as the list of featured members is concerned, however, it is decent. You get a nice mix of premium and basic profiles here: a nice combination of paying members and ones that are just using their free accounts.

Then, below those featured members is a list of new Seeking profiles, which I surmise are people who created their account on this adult dating site aroudn the same time as I did.

In spite its flaws, though, I will commend Seeking for providing large profile photos for each of the members that appear on your member’s homepage. That and, of course, the overall streamlined layout of the page.

Further down your homepage, you’ll see yet another list. This time, it’s for members who are currently online, so you can hit them up instantly and maybe get a quick reply.

Going through all this, though, it made me ask: what’s so premium about this online dating experience? 

I mean, site layout and large profile photos aside, this is pretty much the same thing I’ve seen on other adult hookup sites I’ve reviewed in the past.

FInally, you’re going to see the laziest attempt at including an online magazine on an adult hookup site when you reach the bottom of your Seeking profile homepage. There’s not even a single photo here; it’s just a sad, nondescript space with words in it.

It looks basic, is what I’m saying. But perhaps I’m speaking too soon?

We’ll find out!

Seeking for Other Members – Finally, Something Legitimately Good

Despite all its bluster, let’s not forget that Seeking is a site and app that’s meant for online dating. Or, at the very least, it’s supposed to be one. That’s why I immediately made a beeline for their Search page to see what it can offer you in terms of finding specific members that can potentially give your magic stick a good spitshine.

You will NOT find a manual search bar here, so that means keying in your own preferences and queries is off the table. This doesn’t look good for Seeking. Then again, most adult dating sites prefer NOT to include a manual search bar on their respective platforms for some reason. So, I’m willing to give Seeking a pass here, even if– again– they’re supposedly “premium”. 

And much like other adult hookup sites and apps today, you instead get search filters in order to narrow down your search for the right partner.

Here’s where it gets interesting, and I sincerely mean that. 

Seeking has one of the most– if not the most– detailed search filters that you can find on any adult dating website out there right now. There’s a whole host of categories here that allow you to whittle down your search for the right partner.

It’s as close to a manual search bar as you can get, and that’s commendable!

And in the spirit of luxury dating, money talks: you can only access certain filter categories here once you start paying for a premium Seeking membership, which is pretty much on-brand with how luxury dating works. If you’re wondering which ones are restricted, it’s the ones with a padlock icon next to them.

A nice feature that you won’t see on other adult dating sites, too, is how Seeking lets you save your filter combinations so that you won’t have to key them in every time you’re hankering for a hottie.

And even more impressive is that Seeking’s whole interface remains to be streamlined and simple even with the addition of this super detailed search filter.

Sure, it would have been way easier if they just added a manual search bar where you can type in whatever you want and let their algorithms provide you with results, but these filters are enough to help you find the right partner nonetheless.It’s more than decent, if nothing else. 

Good job, Seeking!

Interests and Messages on Seeking – Minimalist But It Does the Job

I headed over to the Interests page after I was done fidgeting around with the search filters, and here’s what I found out.

Keeping true to the whole streamlined approach that Seeking has going for it, you’re going to like that there are only 3 subsections under the Interests page. These are:

  • Favorites – shows you members that you added to your “Favorites” list so that you won’t have to manually search for them if you want to find them.
  • Who’s Viewed You – It’s self-explanatory. It’s a page that shows you other members that have peeped your profile.
  • Members that have Favorited You – it’s a reverse-Favorites page that shows you members that have added you to their list. There’s a better chance of connecting with these people since they already have an interest in your profile.

As far as the Favorites section is concerned, I’d have to say that you should definitely take advantage of this feature whenever you can. Remember: Seeking does NOT have a manual search bar, so you’re more likely going to end up spending lots of time on filters just to look for a single member that has caught your attention.

With a Favorites list, though, you just have to visit this page to see them again and again. It’s invaluable for a site like this, or any other adult dating site without a search bar for that matter.

With that all wrapped up, I then decided to check out the Messages page.

And it’s your basic, run-of-the-mill inbox. There’s nothing special about this aside from how clean and intuitive the interface is. There are also subsections here that allow you to see your blocked, filtered, sent, and archived messages, respectively.

There’s a manual search bar here, although it only allows you to search within the Messages section. 

That said, It makes me want to ask why they didn’t just include a manual search bar for their Search page. I mean, you already have it here.

Premium Seeking Membership – Surprise, Surprise: It’s Not Pricey

Seeking’s main selling point is how they purportedly stand out against their competition by providing you a more “premium” online dating experience. So far, though, I’ve seen mostly nothing but signs that point to the contrary.

Their monthly membership rates for premium members, however, are thankfully not as disappointing as their other features.

I had expected that Seeking was going to gouge you with their monthly fees, considering how they’re a premium online dating site, but that’s not the case at all.

They’ll just charge you anywhere from $15 US to $19.99 US depending on what kind of membership package you choose. This is one of the more affordable rates I’ve seen for a paid experience on an adult dating site, and I’m surprised that it’s offered on Seeking. 


And the thing is, a premium membership on this adult hookup website is pretty much the only way you can take advantage of potentially getting that near-100% success rate that the luxury dating setup is known for. That’s because nearly all features that allow you to communicate with other Seeking members are only available once you upgrade your account.

A premium Seeking membership will allow you to even further customize your security settings, which is a top priority for any adult dating site user. 

There are also additional perks like a feature that allows you to see if a member has seen your messages (i.e. you’ve gotten seen-zoned), for one.

Lastly, you should know that Seeking only accepts debit and credit cards from major providers like Visa and Mastercard. Again, there goes this dating site with its inflexibility, especially when you consider that there are a lot of potential successful members out there who don’t even have a credit card, because they’re balls-deep into cryptocurrencies.

Even PayPal isn’t even an option here. Ugh.

Seeking Member Profiles – Provides a Customizable Experience

An adult hookup site is only as good as the security and customizability that it can provide you, so I went to see if Seeking can manage to deliver the proverbial goods here or fall flat on its face the same way it does in other respects.

Your own Seeking profile page will show you your settings menu and a button that leads you to their background check feature.

Like any proper adult dating website or app out there, you’ll see that your Seeking profile will show you your profile photo along with a section that lets you see thumbnails of other pics that you’ve uploaded on the platform.

More interesting, though, is that you’ll see some of the most detailed member info. section when you scroll down a bit. Seeking even asks you what drinks you like, so you can easily tell they’re pretty thorough when it comes to providing you and other members as much information about one another as possible.

Then, you’re also allowed to advertise your other social media accounts on your Seeking profile, like your FB, IG, or Twitter page.

What really caught my attention, though, is this little ditty right here:

Of course there’s a gift section. Seeking is a luxury dating site, after all. Regardless if you’re an attractive young or older person, you’re allowed to add items to your gift wishlist.

And I’m not talking about Amazon here, boys and girls; Seeking has its own online store. This makes it oh so convenient for luxury daters to transact and procure one another’s services!

Seeking’s online store offers products that you may usually associate with luxury babies and parents: designer shoes, bags, perfumes. The works.

And, of course, you got to have dildos and clit suckers here, too! What kind of fructose friend are you if you don’t like dildos and clit suckers?

A crappy one, that’s what!

Now, I can’t say anything about the authenticity of the products that they’re selling, though. Sure, designer items like perfumes and accessories have their brands explicitly advertised. The sex toys, on the other hand, don’t, which make them look questionable at best!

Buy them at your own risk, I guess.

Your Security on Seeking – It’s Great, and Rightfully So!

Despite its obvious and gaping flaws, you’re going to find that Seeking might very well be one of the most secure adult daing platforms around right now.

The whole Settings section allows you to customize your account right to the smallest detail, which is extremely important in order for you to make full use of the products and services that this dating platform has to offer.

For one, you can tweak which notifications you want to receive from Seeking, not to mention how and when you want to get them. Even people who aren’t heavily into adult online hookups know how annoying it is to hear a bell sound every minute whenever you receive a notification, so it’s nice that you have the option to customize it here.

There’s a subsection here that shows you other Seeking members that you’ve hidden (i.e. blocked) so that you can manage the list.

More importantly, you’ll find that Seeking’s security settings are legit. And rightfully so, especially if your target demographic are “attractive” and “successful” people online. 

Specifically, Seeking uses security questions as well as 2-step verification processes in order to make sure that only YOU can access your account.

In addition to that, Seeking even provides more in-depth security services like photo verification and a feature that checks and verifies your social media accounts. 

They’re very anal with all this, especially when you discover that they even provide background checks done through a third-party company to make sure that their online adult dating platform remains safe.

It’s amazing that there’s this level of security on Seeking, so much so that you won’t even mind too much that they’re basically treating you like you’re on a government watch list.

But jokes aside, Seeking is commendable in this regard. Hey, online dating is a wild, wild place, and it can get dangerous. So, having security features like these are very much appreciated.

Seeking Community – A Multi-Tiered Online Dating User Base

It’s about time that I tell you about what you can find when you check out other Seeking profiles apart from your own. So, let’s go ahead and see what’s in store for you once you start viewing other members on this dating site and app.

Seeking, in spite of all its shortcomings, does well when it comes to providing you with nothing but legitimate accounts as opposed to flooding you with empty or inactive ones the way other online hookup sites do.

One thing of note is the upper right hand corner of other Seeking members’ profiles. The heart icon could very well be your best friend, as it’s the button that allows you to add any given member to your Favorites list, because Seeking– as I’ve told you earlier– doesn’t have a manual search function.

The icon beside it that looks like an ellipsis opens up a short drop down menu showing you options to hide, report, or block a member. It’s perfect if you want to further whittle down your searches and not get repetitive suggestions from the site’s algorithm.

When it comes to the pictures that you’ll see, there are two types that you’re going to encounter here on Seeking. 

There are public photos, first of all, which are ones available for viewing by anyone who encounters your profile.

And then, you also have private pictures. You’re going to need to ask for permission from its owner in order to view them.

A huge– comically so– dialog box can also be seen right beside other members’ profile photos, which allow you to slide into their DMs and strike up a conversation. And even though it doesn’t look all too visually attractive, it’s great that Seeking positioned this message box front and center to emphasize that, yes, they are a dating site aimed at hooking you up with other people.

Scrolling down other Seeking member profiles will then show you some of the most detailed info. that you’re going to see on an adult dating website, and you’re going to love how these bits of member info. can provide you with some much-needed help in determining whether you’re going to jive well with the person you’re checking out.

Finally, there’s a tiny section where you’ll see their recent activity, which further helps you determine when’s the best time to contact them! 

Wow, did Seeking just become good? I think it did!

Seeking Member Classifications – There are 3 of Them

The Seeking online dating community can be divided into three categories. Below, you’ll find what each of them is all about.

Diamond Members

We’ve brushed this topic earlier, and Seeking was no help at all when it came to explaining what their Diamond Membership tier entails. So, I took it upon myself to do a bit of research and discovered that these people are actually just members who pay for a more expensive monthly membership package.

As opposed to the $15-$19.99 US price tag of a Premium Membership, Diamond Members spend $45 US to $60 US per month to get additional features on the platform.

Background checks don’t even factor into the whole diamond membership deal. As you can see, this particular member hasn’t had their BG check done.

Premium Members

Premium members are Seeking users who are able to access all the features necessary for you to communicate with other people on this adult dating site. They pay a monthly membership fee of 15-19.99 USD a month for this tier.

You can see if a member is Premium when you see them on your feed. However, they don’t have a virtual badge like the ones you find on Diamond Seeking Members. 

Say what you will, but Seeking knows how to make you spend on their platform. If you want that prestigious badge, then be prepared to pay thrice the regular premium membership fees!

As with Diamond Members, background checks don’t factor in if you want to be a Premium Member on Seeking. 

Huh. It’s almost like that BG check feature is just for show.

Basic Members

Basic memberships on Seeking are the lowest tier on this adult dating site. It’s free to create and use, but it’s highly limited. You’re only allowed to visit the various sections of the site, but you can’t communicate with other members.

However, Basic Members are allowed to complete their profiles. That means you can: upload your pictures; see other member profiles; and check out the various pages this platform provides.

Additional Seeking Features

Aside from the main course, which is adult dating, Seeking also provides you with a couple of extra features that you might find interesting.

For one, there’s their online magazine/blog page. At first glance– you know, the one at the bottom of you feed– it’s going to look like Seeking’s  lazy attempt at including bonus products and services to their site.

Click on the “Read More” button, though, and you’ll be directed to a more or less decent, legit online magazine full of articles about sex and dating.

There isn’t a lot of variety with the topics here, though, as most of them focus on luxury dating. But no complaints there; this is a luxury dating site, after all, so it’s only right that they lean into that.

If you’re new to the whole luxury dating game, regardless if you’re a daddy/mommy or a baby, you’ll find that Seeking’s own guide to luxury dating for newbies is an invaluable source of information about it.

Then, I also found this while I was looking for other stuff that Seeking offers:

Wow. That’s commendable! Seeking is the only site that explicitly states their commitment to fighting these horrid crimes.

Keep in mind, however, that there’s a world of difference between being committed and actively going against something. 

No, this page won’t tell you how Seeking has measures against sex trafficking. They will, however, provide you with stats. So, that counts for something: education is a fine weapon, after all.

The whole gist of this page is that Seeking urges you to report to authorities if you find any activities on their site that indicate sex trafficking. Simply put, they’ll tee it up for you, but it sure as hell is up to you to knock it out the park.

But, at least they’re taking steps like this, no matter how small.

Some Interesting Seeking Stats

In order to help you create a clearer decision as to whether Seeking is the right kind of adult dating site or app for you to use, here are some telling pieces of information about this adult dating site.

Seeking Users by Race

Image courtesy of Awolau.org

Based on our findings, the majority of older guys on Seeking are white, constituting 80% of the entire user population of the adult dating platform. 

The ratio between white young ladies and non-white individuals in this role are more evenly spread, on the other hand, with 40% identifying as white and 60% as non-white.

Seeking Users by Region

Image courtesy of thefate.org

It’s hotter in the South, as you’re going to find that these US regions have some of the most active Seeking users around. Chief among these cities are Austin, TX; Atlante, GA; and Las Vegas, NV. 

Young women Ratio by City

Although Austin, TX has the largest user ratio of Seeking users, they lag significantly behind Atlanta, GA when it comes to the number of cute ladies that can be found in their area. In this regard, Atlanta, Vancouver, and Orlando are the best places to find hot young women on Seeking.

Seeking Tips to Help You Find Dates

To the uninitiated, Seeking might seem an overly demanding place to find dates online. However, with these tips, you’re going to find that navigating this adult dating site can be significantly easier.

Complete Your Profile (When Your Ready)

The best way to go about Seeking is to check out each and every page that they have to offer before you complete your profile’s details. This will afford you enough time to determine whether you’re going to find Seeking’s features to be a right fit for you.

Sure, you can complete your profile before you see what they have to offer, but there’s a chance that it might end up a waste of time when you discover that Seeking is not the adult dating site for you.

Read, Read, READ.

Ever since Seeking opened its doors to different dating setups aside from their bread and butter, luxury dating, you might find it hard to determine whether you’re looking at a bona fide luxurious lady or man or just a person looking for an entirely different dating format.

Don’t worry, though, because nearly all members on Seeking explicitly state what kind of dating setup they want on their profiles. So, read up and save yourself some time and effort in the long run!

Go Premium

Premium memberships are basically the only way you can fully enjoy what Seeking has to offer. So, if you think that you’re going to have a nice time on this online dating platform, do not hesitate to upgrade your account to a premium membership. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with highly limited features that will ultimately negatively affect your success rate.

What Other Seeking Users Think About the Site

As thorough as I am with my Seeking review for 2023, I’m only one person and far from being a monolith of what it’s like to use this adult hookup site. As such, we took it upon ourselves to see what folks around the internet who have had their fair share of experiences with Seeking have to say about this site.

One Seeking user applauds Seeking for allowing its members to sign up for free with a basic account in order to check out what the site has to offer before fully committing to it. Additionally, they find that Seeking delivers results, in so far as luxury dating is concerned, the same way more general adult hookup sites do.

Another member shares that even young guys can find older women dating arrangements on Seeking. They also opine about how this young man did not have to provide any sexual services to their older date.

Another user finds that Seeking is indeed able to provide results in luxury dating setups, though they firmly state that the site itself is different from what you’d expect from other, more general adult hookup sites and apps.

As far as what luxury dating generally entails, this user provides an exhaustive and clear description of what you can expect from luxury dating setups on Seeking. 

They state that, yes, it is sex work that is traditionally not unlike escorting. That said, it makes you wonder how effective Seeking’s disclaimer about not allowing escorts to join their site really is. In any case, this user also provides their take on how there are numerous scammers on Seeking in spite of the fact that the platform purports to have 100% legitimate accounts.

Another user finds that Seeking is much better compared to other luxury dating sites out there and commends the platform’s ability to provide high-quality and legitimate users for its members to hook up with. 

Yet another Seeking user has a different opinion about this adult dating site and app. Although they did find that Seeking was an effective way to go into luxury dates, the numerous scammers that popped up over time have made the platform dip in its overall quality.

All in all, however, the majority of users who have had experiences with Seeking find that, yes, it is able to deliver results as far as luxury dating arrangements are concerned. 

Your Seeking Questions Answered

Is Seeking a good dating site?

If you’re looking at Seeking purely from a luxury dating perspective, then signs point to yes: it’s a top hookup site for luxury dating arrangements. As far as general dating concerns are to be considered, there are honestly other better choices out there that provide its users with more features; a more LGBTQ+-friendly platform; and easier account creation processes.

We’d be mistaken if we didn’t say that Seeking has one of the most balanced male to female user ratios out there, though, because they do!

Yes, you can. Creating an account with a basic membership plan is free of charge. However, as with any other freemium platform out there, the features and services that you can access for free are limited. 

In order to remove these and make the most of what Seeking has to offer, you’re going to need to sign up for a premium membership that’s charged on a monthly basis.

Can I date luxury babies for free?

No, you cannot. The whole point of luxury dating is to provide both parties – luxury babies and their daddies/mommies, respectively– with a mutually beneficial setup where one is compensated via “gifts” in exchange for companionship.

Is luxury dating legal?

Yes, it is. Luxury dating is NOT prostitution, as the parties involved are not buying or selling any sexual favors. Any sexual act that comes from this arrangement is outside the terms of agreement and is up to the discretion of said parties.

Some Quick Seeking Benchmarks and Scores

Easy Hookup Score: 5 out of 5 stars

With a great male to female ratio and the arrangements that’s built into the whole luxury dating setup, finding a partner on Seeking is quick and easy as long as you have the necessary goods and requirements that your potential partner is looking for.

Male to Female Ratio: 5 out of 5 stars

Very few adult dating sites have a balance between male and female users that is as good as Seeking’s. This is partly why the site has become such a powerhouse in the dating industry and the adult hookup site industry at large.

Dating Type Availability: 2 out of 5 stars

Although Seeking is now open to more general and varying dating setups, the primary crowd here is looking for luxury dates. As such, you’re going to find that this adult dating site and app doesn’t have much to offer outside of the luxurious date dynamic.

LGBTQ+-friendly: 2 out of 5 stars

Seeking can be used by LGBTQ+ members for luxury dating. However, you’re going to find that the site itself doesn’t put any emphasis on LGBTQ+ members, as evidenced by their lack of gender options upon creating an account with their platform.

Pricing: 4 out of 5 stars

Seeking is surprisingly affordable as far as dating sites go. You also have the option of upgrading to a more expensive tier if regular paid memberships aren’t enough to hook you up with someone.

Our Seeking Review Methodology Explained

This Seeking review for 2023 employs numerous ways to provide you with the necessary relevant data to help inform your decision about this adult dating website. Chief among these methodologies is our in-house user experience review, as conducted by the author of this in-depth analysis.

Furthermore, we have also researched and gathered data from various third-party sources in order to provide you with a much clearer picture of what you might expect should you join Seeking. 

Best Seeking Alternatives in 2023

Seeking is a niche adult dating site, which means it is definitely not for everyone. Thankfully, there are other adult hookup platforms online right now that you can check out. These sites provide you with more options and features that you simply can’t find on Seeking or luxury dating sites alone, for that matter.

Adult Friend Finder

adult friend finder logo

It’s the largest adult dating site today, especially when it comes to the number of members that you can find on this platform. Moreover, AFF isn’t just an adult hookup site; it’s a bona fide adult entertainment platform that can provide you with dating partners as much as XXX live sex cam shows!

Ashley Madison


Ashley Madison is a site and app made specifically for casual dating. You’re going to find that this hookup platform is home to some of the sauciest dating setups, which range from swingers to extramarital affairs. Plus, their Credits System is a unique and more affordable way to get premium features from an adult hookup site.


FetLife is especially designed for people who are looking for an online platform that’s made for alternative dating. You’re going to discover that this adult dating website caters to kinks and fetishes as diverse as Furry culture and ‘looning. They also have perhaps the most affordable premium memberships among all adult hookup sites and apps right now!

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