OkCupid Review – Analyzing Gen Y & Z’s Favorite Dating App

okcupid reviews

OkCupid doesn’t want to make things too complicated… they just want to “match you on what actually matters!”

In this Okcupid review, we will analyze the dating app’s bold approach to dating, consider the company’s history, and, most importantly, determine if the app is worth installing.

Whereas most dating apps stress scientific matchmaking or lifestyle similarities, OkCupid goes for meaningful connections built on sharing passions in life.

We know it’s a Gen Z-friendly dating app and has the younger demographics to show for it.

But why do Zoomers love OkCupid? Most importantly, how likely will you get a hot date if you download the app?

Let’s start with a 10-second OkCupid review and get the facts.

OkCupid Review in 10 Seconds

  • OkCupid wants to find a match for you based on the “stuff that actually matters”
  • Not just values but important issues, passions, & attitudes
  • OkCupid wants to get all the BIG dealbreakers out of the way early on
  • No matter what kind of meaningful connection you’re looking for, you can find it
  • OkCupid is one of the most popular dating services
  • It’s the most Gen Z and Gen Y friendly
  • Over 30 million members and 91 million matches made
  • Part of the Match Group network
  • Has thousands of personality quizzes to answer

Who is OkCupid For and Not For?

OkCupid is an online matchmaker that will appeal to younger users, although it doesn’t necessarily discriminate against users of any age, provided they’re over 18.

Still, the social network-influenced design of the app, the humorous and fast-paced questionnaires, and the bold decision to explore controversial topics make it distinctly Gen Z.

The open-ended app has the potential to be a serious relationship app since it spends a lot of time matching users according to values and overall compatibility.

However, it works just as well as a hookup site, not to mention non-monogamous relationships. Users under 35 tend to be the most flexible demographic in terms of committed relationships while still holding true to their sense of morals and ethics.

On the other hand, OkCupid is probably not a comfortable experience for older users who are used to more traditional dating apps.

Funny questions, quizzes on your politics and religion, and choosing between multiple genders and sexual orientation options may frustrate some conservative users who are used to dating apps from 20 years ago.

What We Like and Don’t Like About OkCupid

OkCupid Pros

  • Completely free to see & text mutual matches
  • LGBTQ-friendly
  • Every match shares your politics, religious views & morals
  • Mostly Gen Y & Gen Z demographics
  • 30 million members
  • Easy to use interface on a mobile device or desktop
  • Free version or paid perks

OkCupid Cons

  • Some spammy or fake profiles
  • No video chat

The Where and When of OkCupid

OkCupid is a United States-based company founded in 2003. Its creators, Chris Coyne, Christian Rudder, Sam Yagan, and Max Krohn, started at Harvard University.

The team worked on projects like TheSpark.com and SparkNotes in the early 2000s.

TheSpark.com became popular for its personality tests and quizzes, which were delivered in a funny and colloquial sort of way. A follow-up project, SparkMatch (as well as SparkNotes), later evolved into what would become the OkCupid dating app.

Today, the popular app has over 30 million members and makes 50,000 weekly dates. Furthermore, OkCupid has had more mentions in The New York Times wedding section than any other dating app.

In 2011, OkCupid was acquired by Match Group for $50 million.

Why OkCupid Has Won Gen Z

OkCupid has always been an innovator in online dating, and was one of the first “dating apps” introduced. 

okcupid review

True, online dating sites did precede OkCupid.

However, the app’s easy accessibility using Android-compatible and Apple devices introduced it to a much larger audience than was previously capable.

OkCupid’s “hot button” approach to turning political, religious, and cultural viewpoints into “dealbreakers” has made it one of the most popular dating sites among zillennials and millennials.

You might even think of it as the exact opposite of “OK Boomer…”

Now it’s “OK Zoomer” time!

OkCupid also broke ground by becoming one of the first dating apps offering 22 genders and 13 sexual orientation options to choose from, as well as giving users the ability to share pronouns on their profiles.

While many sites have copied OkCupid’s progressive nature, the company deserves much credit for introducing a bold new attitude to online dating.

The same attitude continues to define OkCupid today, which jumps into hot issues as soon as you sign up on the site, and always with a sense of fun and humor.

How Does OkCupid Work?

The design of the OkCupid app resembles the OkCupid site. Both are accessible after you sign up using an email address or a Google/Facebook login, as well as a password.

You can download OkCupid for any modern Android-compatible device or Apple OS.

Whereas the mobile version and the tablet app save a lot of screen space, the dating site version adjusts to the size of your monitor.

Before creating your OkCupid profile, you will be prompted for a phone number for security purposes.

Your Preferences Are Complex

As soon as you join the dating site, you get to add your preferences – starting with easy questions but progressing to some complex ones. After entering your name, date of birth, and location (GPS or manual), you can state what gender you are and what you’re seeking.

okcupid profiles

Select “See All” for the full list of LGBTQ-friendly genders and orientations. Your “desired relationship type” also calls for simple or complex preferences.

You can choose simple options like short term dating or long term dating, as well as long-term relationships for marriage.

On the other hand, you can just use it as a hookup app as well, especially since the site has non-monogamy options. You can choose monogamous, non-monogamous, or “open to either.”

Not so complicated after all, but a little bit of a time commitment.

Photos and Verification

After choosing all your must-haves, you can start uploading photos of that beautiful kisser! Uploading six photos is ideal and will get you the best quality matches.

Verifying your photo with a live selfie is another step to completing your OkCupid profile and getting the minimum community boost you deserve. Your selfie won’t be made public, but in exchange, you get a blue verified checkmark by your name.

However, don’t underestimate this section. Photos that hide your face, feature nudity, extreme closeups, pets, celebrity fake profiles, or memes will get you permanently suspended from the dating app.

This is definitely not a secret admirer type of online dating service. OkCupid users want transparency when it comes to showing their faces. The online dating site also suggests using a variety of photos, including action photos, as well as professional-looking cover shots.

Taking the OkCupid Questionnaire

The bio or self-summary section is fairly straightforward, and you have just a short paragraph to

make an interesting pitch.

The real challenge is taking OkCupid’s initial 15-step questionnaire, which turns your political, religious, and cultural philosophies into virtual deal breakers.

Most questions have a Yes or No approach, such as “Do you think it’s important to have an emotional connection before a physical one?”

However, other questions can be multiple-choice. For example, when asked how long you expect your relationship to last, you could choose between a one-night stand, a few months, several years, or even the rest of your life.

As you go on, the test gets progressively harder, at least in terms of thinking about your own morals and values. 

You might be asked how to describe yourself, how important is religion to you, how you feel about marriage, your slant of left/right politics, feelings about debt, and other personal questions.

Getting to Know OkCupid Dating Pool

After the questionnaire, it’s time to start browsing local matches. You’ll notice at the top of the screen you can choose between:

  • Recommended Matches
  • Match Percentage
  • Cupid’s Picks
  • Passport
  • Who Likes You
  • And shared interests

Recommended Matches are compatible matches based upon your set preferences.

ok cupid review

Cupid’s Picks are compatible matches chosen for you based on who you’re most likely to match with. The advanced matching system is responsible and uses AI to match together profiles with personal descriptions that suggest compatibility.

You only see these potential matches once every day before it refreshes with all new profiles. In fact, you get a nine-hour countdown on these matches before they suddenly disappear forever.

Match Percentage shows the OkCupid profiles with your highest compatibility score.

Passport shows people from all over the world with a more random slant.

Who Likes You shows other users who liked your OkCupid profile, with filtering options like “recently active,” match score, age, or nearby location.

Hot Issue Tags is a temporary feature that matches you up with someone randomly, as long as you have at least one passion in common. For instance, “Pro-Choice.”

To Like, Super Like, or Pass?

Much like Tinder and other popular apps, you swipe left to pass or right to like someone unless you want to “Super Like” someone using the cupid icon on the bottom right of the screen.

You can also tap on the user’s main photo to see the next one in line, either right for forward or left for backward.

Profiles only contain basic information, at least at first glance. You get a name, age, location, and a quick “pitch” sentence. 

The most interesting tidbit is the compatibility score indicator, which gives you a percentage representation of how compatible you are with viewpoints. Your potential match could be as high as 90% or much lower if you clash on issues.

If you find the photos attractive and the description intriguing, click on the bio for more information. On the full OkCupid profile, you can see more data, such as politics, religion, education, diet, feelings about children, and preferred relationship type.

On the full profile, you not only get the relationship percentage indicator but can also take a peek at what answers/issues you differ on.

Finishing Up Your OkCupid Profile

While filling out preferences and 15 basic questions is a good start for OkCupid Basic, the full 100% profile requires more time commitment.

okcupid genders

You can finish adding more details to your self-summary, connect your Instagram account to your profile, and, most importantly, add up to 500 more personality quiz questions. 

Answering 30 gives you the title of “Question Pro”, 100 gets the “Prodigy” level, and 500 makes you a genius. Not according to MENSA, but according to OkCupid!

And just in case you’re wondering, over 4000 questions are waiting for you to answer. It’s safe to say you can have fun doing Q&A (and matching for it) for years on end.

The more questions you answer, the more your profile is pushed. You may even be featured in the “Question Pros Stack.”

You can also click on Preferences or Settings to change your profile data, questionnaire answers, or even how you peruse the site.

This is the section of the site where you can change notifications, privacy settings, or even the option to delete or disable your OkCupid account. 

OkCupid Review of Demographics

According to Statista, OkCupid’s demographics are fairly college-age, with a few exceptions. About 14% of users are under 30, while 10% are over 30 but under 44.

However, there is a rising demographic over the age of 45, and in some cases over 65.

As for surfing profiles, get ready to wait and see. Some user profiles are deceptively simple and merely suggest casual hookups, a few good photos, and an Instagram account link. 

This may suggest some people join just to create fake profiles for social media popularity.

However, every so often (especially when matching another user based on relationship percentage), you will get a sincere profile discussing issues and relationship expectations.

Because of the dating app’s younger demographics, you may see more mention of casual or short-term affairs than long term relationships.

OkCupid Basic Vs. OkCupid Premium Membership

OkCupid Premium offers a completely free basic plan as well as paid features.

However, the free dating site version is limited to one free superlike a week, as well as approximately 50-70 likes a day, depending on your profile quality.

With promises of “19 people like you” as soon as you join, it’s tempting to see what OkCupid premium includes.

Right away, you get to see:

  • Who likes you before you mutual match
  • 3 superlikes a week
  • Unlimited likes for daily use
  • Read receipts
  • More filters for dealbreakers
  • Search
  • Unlimited “rewinds” (or take it back swipes)
  • All Q&A’s unlocked
  • Unlocked Intros

The “Unlock Intros” feature is the most compelling since this lets you see all intros from people you’ve mutually matched with and without the extra wait. In the OkCupid Basic version, you must wait to unlock all the mutual match intros.

ok cupid reviews

Remember that OkCupid was one of the first to offer a completely free dating service and, to this day, still lets users chat after a mutual match. Once you and someone else Like each other, you can send and receive messages from your messaging page.

You can find mutual likes by clicking the “New Matches” link in your Messages tab. You’re never charged for free mutual likes and chats.

However, the ability to have an ad-free experience, unlock full profiles and questionnaires, and see all intros without a waiting period may be far more convenient than the free version.

OkCupid Premium Cost

OkCupid offers three different packages for a paid subscription. They are as follows:

  • $22.49 a month for 6 months
  • $29.99 a month for 3 months
  • $44.99 for 1 month

More users prefer to pay via credit card, although Paypal and Google Play are two other options.

Just a heads up – in addition to the subscription price, users also pay a small tax rate per transaction, usually around $5.

OkCupid Reviews – Positive and Negative

OkCupid has received praise and criticism for its dating app, with significant media attention for its LGBTQ options. Other features include OkCupid stacks (which lets users view compatible matches based on several categories) and Dating Data Center (which shares some interesting Q&A responses).

However, the app also received negative coverage for its questionable handling of issues like:

  • A disappearing search engine filter
  • Censorship of certain politically slanted profiles
  • For suggesting only real names should be used on the site
  • For not letting users delete their past Q&As (You can only modify your answers)

It’s all worth noting that most of these issues were resolved by the company, according to widespread user reaction.

The issue of fake profiles, especially female profiles, also comes up from time to time.

However, OkCupid does try to combat fake profiles by banning members who use fake or misleading photos and by asking that users report suspicious profiles to management.

While it’s not considered the “worst dating app” (especially since it’s free to use) OkCupid is obviously not going to please everybody.

OkCupid Alternatives

How does the OkCupid app compare to other online dating sites? Let’s consider the five biggest competitors.

eHarmony – The Battle of Brainy Dating Apps!

eharmony logoeHarmony started the idea of the “smart” dating site back in 2000. It’s still hard to deny that eHarmony takes its scientific matchmaking seriously. With more serious-minded questions, but without getting too heavily into politics or religion, eHarmony tries to learn your values. 

eHarmony’s demographics also skewer older, as the site focuses on serious relationships, not casual hookups. Despite a long-term contract and a very limited free membership, it’s still a favorite for the over-35 demographic wanting to settle down.

eHarmony vs. OkCupid Review

  • eHarmony has a more scientific matchmaking system
  • eHarmony offers video chat for potential matches
  • eHarmony is the most successful site for total marriages
  • OkCupid offers matches based on political, religious & cultural topics
  • OkCupid works as a hookup site as well as a serious relationship site
  • OkCupid offers a better free site preview
  • Both apps require a serious time commitment

Read our eHarmony review here and see why it’s the most serious of matchmakers!

Zoosk – Online Dating Becomes Video Speed Dating

zoosk logoZoosk forgoes the usual “long questionnaire” route and instead becomes the “virtual bar” where you can meet local matches and test the chemistry face-to-face. Unlike other dating apps, Zoosk offers a free video-sharing community for its singles.

Zoosk users can join popular user rooms, start a video chat room, and play social games as they get to know each other.

While Zoosk also has a more traditional online site, most users prefer it for its video chat, which brings back a spirit of fun to a sometimes overly analytical industry.

Zoosk vs. OkCupid Review

  • Zoosk has a free video-sharing community
  • Zoosk has a higher over 35 demographic
  • Zoosk studies your online behavior, more so than your Q&As
  • OkCupid is a more personality-based matchmaker
  • OkCupid has tons more questions to answer, to help make quality matches
  • OkCupid offers a free dating app
  • Both apps are great for icebreakers

Read our Zoosk review and see what a video sharing “speed dating” community is all about.

Dating.com – Dating Sites That Prefer Looking to Chatting

dating dot comDating.com is not nearly as “focused” a site as OkCupid. This app prefers to let its users have deep conversations over quick and easy video chat – not so much a long questionnaire.

Dating.com lets you find matches all over the world, including a very niche “find an overseas spouse” type of dating. Dating.com also has live video streaming for fun, with models getting paid to flirt, be friendly, and chat with people worldwide.

It’s a less serious dating site, but the video chat definitely makes it a cost-effective way to meet new people.

Dating.com vs. OkCupid Review

  • Dating.com is all about video chat & streaming shows
  • Dating.com is a great way to meet friends worldwide
  • Dating.com lets you send virtual gifts
  • OkCupid has a much better matchmaking system
  • OkCupid lets you do a lot more for free
  • OkCupid is much better for finding local partners
  • Both sites stress FUN over filling out boring personality tests

Read our Dating.com review to see the importance of instant video chat.

Match.com – It’s About What You Want, Not Them!

match.com logoMatch.com is now part of the same network as OkCupid, but the differences between the two dating apps are still a big deal. Match skewers to older demographics and features a somewhat traditional approach to dating, and an old-school design.

Match is great for advanced search filters and identifying your ideal date based on a number of variables. OkCupid isn’t as concerned with custom searches – the site prefers to make your matches for you, based on your questionnaire answers.

Match.com vs. OkCupid Review

  • Match.com has a much older demographic
  • Match.com has far better search filters
  • Match.com organizes local events in your city
  • OkCupid has a much better free preview
  • OkCupid finds people that share your passions
  • OkCupid finds potential matches, eliminating the need for custom searches
  • Both sites offer mutual match texting.

Visit Match.com and see why specific custom searches matter.

Bumble – Turn Friends Into Hot Dates

bumble datingOf all the dating platforms, Bumble seems like one of the best choices for women. Not only are men muted from contacting female profiles without a mutual match, but it’s up to women to start the conversation.

Created by a former Tinder employee, Bumble fixes many of the common issues with male-dominated apps. The BFF and BIZ mode are also innovative ways to reach out to the local community and keep some “platonic friends” on the back burner.

Bumble vs. OkCupid Review

  • Bumble has two other modes: BFF (friends) & BIZ (business acquaintances)
  • Bumble requires women to make the first move
  • Bumble is quietly political, at least in hashtags you can pin to your profile
  • OkCupid is very political & religious, making your opinions part of your deal breakers
  • OkCupid lets a man or woman make the first move
  • OkCupid is much better for detailed profiles
  • Both sites are great for casual dating and hookups, less for long term

See why Bumble is ideal for female users in our Bumble review.

OkCupid Reviews – FAQs

Still wondering “How does OkCupid work?” We have all the answers!

Can you use OkCupid without paying a dime?

You can use OkCupid without paying a dime, as long as you’re okay with limited likes and mutual match texting only.

While other sites offer limited free memberships, an OkCupid membership lets you fill out profiles, answer questions, and reach out to members who are a good match.

Are paid memberships for OkCupid worth it?

Paid memberships for OkCupid may be worth it if you want more likes and superlikes. 

You can also see who liked your profile before mutual matching or view read receipts.

The paid version of OkCupid also gets rid of the ads, which many users find intrusive.

Does OkCupid allow private and public photo albums?

OkCupid does allow up to six photos, but it does not currently host a number of private or public albums.

The app also has some strict requirements for public photos, including showing your face.

One compromise, however, is Incognito mode, which lets you hide your profile and public photos from everyone UNLESS you like their profile first.

Does OkCupid offer the best experience of all the free sites?

Most users feel that OkCupid offers the best experience of all the free sites, because of few limitations. 

True, users do have a limited number of likes, and free superlikes, and can’t see who liked their profile without a mutual match.

Still, for an app that’s similar to Tinder and Bumble in simplicity, but one that also has the complexity of eHarmony’s matchmaking, it’s a good dating site for finding your intellectual equal.

How do I get the best matches when using OkCupid?

For the best matches, fill out the OkCupid profile completely, until you reach the 100% status.

This will involve adding six photos, filling out all of your preferences for a partner, and answering literally thousands of personality-based questions.

The more questions you answer, the better the AI matchmaking algorithm can work to find someone who matches your personality and opinions on life. This is a site that goes beyond just shared hashtags.

The system analyzes what you write and your dating patterns for better matches. 

How does Plenty of Fish compare to OkCupid?

Plenty of Fish is comparable to OkCupid for its generous free preview as well as its versatile way of searching for partners.

OkCupid clearly has a superior questionnaire section, with thousands of questions related to your values, political views, religious culture, and other deeply personal subjects.

Plenty of Fish is more of a casual dating site, however, and is just for fun – including hookups, blind dates, a dating game, and that sort of thing.

There’s even a video streaming community at Plenty of Fish that keeps things lively.

Still, users who use both apps agree, OkCupid is better for quality matches.

Interested in the competition? Read about the best dating sites and see how OkCupid measures up.

Do Russian scammers use OkCupid?

For all we know, Russian scammers could be anywhere online – and OkCupid is no exception.

However, scammers are fairly obvious when you encounter them. They may be asking for money, or getting you to click on suspicious website links, or perhaps catfishing you for other nefarious purposes.

But you can screen your OkCupid dating pool by simply answering more questions for better matches and being more selective about which profiles you swipe right on.

For starters, always swipe left on photos of Vladimir Putin!

Does OkCupid have fake profiles?

While it’s possible OkCupid has fake profiles, you’ll find the same problem happening at virtually all other dating websites.

The vast majority of dating apps have been infiltrated by scammers, spammers, catfishers, escorts, and the like.

However, giving OkCupid some assistance and reporting suspicious profiles will help keep the site clean. The site moderates profiles and quickly bans users abusing the system.

Does OkCupid favor “beautiful people” over average-looking people?

OkCupid does not favor beautiful people by default.

However, it’s likely that people in general favor better-looking people more so than average-looking people.

It’s unlikely OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder would argue the app’s shallow preferences.

He actually conducted a study demonstrating how men and women have distinct dating patterns about age, and especially when swiping online. 

Among other findings, “very attractive” male OkCupid profiles received eleven times as many messages as “medium-rated” male users.

So yeah, it’s safe to say most people are swiping, checking out photos, glancing at keywords in the bio, and going with their gut.

Is OkCupid a good dating site for luxury matches?

OkCupid is not a good dating site by intention, though it certainly doesn’t hurt to say you enjoy the “high life” on your profile.

While rich singles certainly do grab attention, it’s best to SHOW that sort of thing (as in buying expensive gifts for the date you like) as opposed to bragging about your mad cash.

For more on the “rich and beautiful” niche, check out this article about luxury dating.

Does Ok Cupid work for hookups?

Ok Cupid may work for hookups since it has real people, real locations, and in theory, people who are really not picky about casual dating.

However, users must be smart about dating and remember some common sense tips:

  • Choose excellent quality photos
  • Dress well
  • Be charming, funny, and interested in your date
  • Be versatile about the time you use the app
  • Look over the other person’s profile for common interests
  • Answer more questions so you can get better matches
  • Filter out the wrong types right away
  • Test the chemistry naturally – don’t push too hard too soon
  • (That’s what she said?)
  • Be open-minded and open to new experiences

Ok Cupid does a great job of finding available dates, but the rest is on you.

OkCupid Reviews – Final Thoughts On Why Cupid is So Brainy

okcupid logo

Overall OkCupid represents everything modern and promising about online dating apps.

It’s a site all about sharing opinions, being honest with yourself and others, and best of all, having fun while doing it.

It’s Gen Y and Z-friendly for a reason. It gets rid of the analytical nature of questionnaires and makes it more about sharing feelings, discussing morals and ethics, and showcasing your “best side” to potential singles.

Most dating apps just don’t have the patience that OkCupid does, and the dating app’s commitment to finding someone that matches your passions in life.

It’s one of the better dating apps for texting and starting conversations since it’s easier to bond over religious/political viewpoints than making casual small talk.

OkCupid is not perfect, but it’s clearly the sapiosexual’s choice for dating apps that get what romance is all about.

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