Despite his new song: the end of Kayne West, Pt 1.

kanye west

You things are toast for Ye or Kanye West or the Fuhrer – whatever name he chooses going forward – when the talent for which we used to know his for gets ignored:  he just released his first new single in a minute with “Someday We’ll All Be Free.”

Did you know the song was out? I work in the music business, and I barely knew.

The under-3 minute track, which samples the late Donny Hathaway’s plea for equality, “Someday We’ll All Be Free” (poor Hathaway must be spinning in his grave with West’s use) is certainly influenced by all of the backlash to his recent pro-Nazi rhetoric and spewed hatred of the Jewish people.

Along with lyrics such as “Everyone’s a Karen, Claimin’ that they care and care and,” there is this long verse that ends with his recent appearance on Alex Jones’ Infowars – the show where West went Hitler-loving bananas.

“Tweeted “death con,” now we past three
It won’t be long, take it from me, someday…
Tweeted “death con,” now we past three
Free, it won’t be long
Take it from me, someday we’ll all be free”
with an outro featuring Jones and West – my favorite new rap duo:

Jones: “Can we just kind of say like, you like, You like the uniforms? But that’s about it?
West: “There’s a lot of things that I love, That I love, that I love, that I love…”

If you read into that outro deep enough, Jones is trying to be reasonable (a state of grace Alex Jones’ Infowars has never attempted, let alone achieve), trying to let West wriggle free of the hook he baited for himself when the rapper told the host interview with Alex Jones on December 1 that he “likes Hitler” and sees “good things” about the late Nazi Party CEO, the genocidal madman responsible for the Holocaust and the violent death of 7 million Jews and gay people during World War 2.

Jones, the soon-to-be-bankrupt Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre denier did attempt to defend West against the backlash he’s received for his anti-Semitic remarks over the course of the last six weeks (Philadelphia Weekly has detailed this timeline, elegantly and eloquently) by telling his guest “You’re not Hitler. You’re not a Nazi. You don’t deserve to be called that and demonized.”

Nope. Kayne West was about to prove Jones wrong and show his adoration for Adolf.

“Well, I see good things about Hitler also… “I love everyone.”

Apparently, though he placed Donald Trump in a lousy position by showing up to dinner at Mar-A-Lago with two of his own white supremacist friends (instead of wine, or say, dessert) Kanye and the Donald seem to agree on one dynamic point – they both believe there are “good Nazis.”

West went on to rant at Alex Jones how Hitler “invented the highways” and “the very microphone that (West utilizes) as a musician,” before opening the Fuhrer up to other so-called glories.

“You can’t say out loud that this person ever did anything good, and I’m done with that. I’m done with the classifications. Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler. How about that one?”

After blaming Jewish people for “separating and confusing the Christians and making [them] afraid to stand next to each other,” West jumped on the power of Christian forgiveness by conjuring two additional names that probably should be put on ice forever. “We can go visit R. Kelly in prison. We can go talk to Harvey Weinstein.”

I’m surprised that Kanye didn’t bring up forgiving Bill Cosby – a serial rapist who just got several new cases/fresh accusers from New York state after they opened up their sexual assault bill’s books.

West did the whole “Zionists are attempting to put [me] in jail, freeze [my] accounts, and smearing [me] in the media,” before giving the Nazi party and the Fuhrer one more great shout out.

“They did good things, too. We gonna stop dissing the Nazis all the time…. “I like Hitler.”

This from a rapper who later that same week told the Jews that they should forgive Adolph Hitler. (“Yeah, Jewish people can’t tell me who I can love and who I can’t love. You can’t say, you can’t force your pain on everyone else. Jewish people, forgive Hitler today”)

This from a rapper who told TMZ that he loved “Hitler and the Nazis” during the same conversation where West said that “slavery is a choice.”

This from a rapper who tried to name his 2018 album, “Hitler.”

I was planning to call this feature, “The End of Kanye West,” period, before the new “Someday We’ll All Be Free” single came out – only available on his surprisingly still active Instagram account and not through any other major streaming services or top tier record labels – but, by my way of thinking, this is only the beginning of the end.

Stay tuned for the Fuhrer – I mean, further – sad adventures in Kanye West’s race to the bottom.

    • A.D. Amarosi's Headshot

      A.D. Amorosi is an award-winning journalist who, along with working for the Philadelphia Weekly, writes regularly for Variety, Jazz Times, Flood and Wax Poetics, and hosts and co-produces his own SoundCloud-charting radio show, Theater in the Round for Pacifica National Public Radio station WPPM 106.5 FM and

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