Voices | Feb. 11-18

Philly in the snow
Image: Dyana Wing So

The Shout out:

Philadelphia has been hit by two recent snowstorms.

Your turn:

Do you like the snow or would you like to see spring-like weather arrive sooner rather than later?

Send your thoughts to voices@philadelphiaweekly.com.

Congress must pass the For the People Act

The 2020 presidential election revealed the many cruel and unnecessary barriers that far too many Americans still face in order to vote. From confusing voter registration instructions to long lines outside of too few polling places, there are still so many hurdles to participating in our democracy.

It doesn’t have to be this way – not if Congress can pass the For the People Act.

The For the People Act is an expansive bill that would greatly strengthen our democracy and level the playing field for all Americans in the political process. The act is so comprehensive that it would take on the numerous barriers to voting and representation, like stopping partisan gerrymandering, overturning racist voter ID laws, and ending felony disenfranchisement. It would also register millions of new voters. Many of these barriers are Jim Crow relics that continue to disproportionately impact Black and Brown Americans across the country.

Prioritizing this bold democracy reform would send the strong signal that our new Congress and administration are serious about ending America’s racist voter suppression laws, which is why I’m urging Congress to pass the For the People Act. 

Randi Haas | Philadelphia

Time for Krasner to go

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner has got to go.


This city has suffered enough devastation and most of it because of him.

In 2020, even during a pandemic when people should be staying at home, there were 499 murders and 2,240 shootings.

Center City is a ghost town. The people I know who live there will not go outside after dark.

Citizens are being mugged outside of the parole building where they are reporting to their parole officers!

Murderers who have been caught on video are still being found not guilty because of the lack of efficiency in the DA’s office.

It’s disgusting.

We the people must make a change. 

Laura Stark | Philadelphia

Should Mayor Kenney stay or go?

Readers react to PW’s call for mayor to step down

Reaction to PW’s call last week for Mayor Kenney to resign generated lots of debate on social media. Here are only a few of the comments. Want to join in the conversation? Follow PW on social: @PhillyWeekly

Herb_jowett: Never should have been elected in the first place

@ScotchBasil:  The city is forever scarred from the Kenny administration City Council should be charged as co conspirators.

Snausybird: This magazine has gotten mosquito-level annoying.

Kenepero: It’s a Democrat, no morals, he don’t care about the people of Philly, he wants only power

Daniel Reilly: Philly Weekly, time to get off the crack pipe.

Winstonbyiasolomon: Bullshit Jim Kenny is a good Mayor

Kevcons: If you ain’t up for abolishing police unions. It don’t matter who’s in office.

Omg_the_person: Bring back Mayor Michael Nutter, he did wonders to improve our city

Patrick Rhine: So you’d prefer 10 years of Darrell Clarke? Hard pass.

Plantain_escobar: Not getting your way doesn’t mean you get to remove the mayor. Wait until the next election like adults

Feudi Anthony: Love Philadelphia Weekly for having the cajones to stand up to nitwits like Jim Kenney.

Therainkingpodcast: An utterly abysmal failure of a mayor. I’m still amazed he swept reelection.

Justin Edward: HA I love that PW is advising anyone to go gracefully! Your desperate attempt to survive by taking a hard right turn to get clicks and advertisers by spreading propaganda and division alienates your readership and the culture of this great progressive city. SAD!

Beckysue714: Definitely has failed this city!!!

Bobbysalvin: Unjustified. Kenny has generally been a good mayor

Lacheddar: Seriously, He’s sending Philly into a downward spiral

Alyssa_dennery: Maybe we can try a different party this time or nah let’s keep it going for a dem streak of corrupt mayors. There are people between a racist like rizzo and a snake like most of our mayors have been for years

Jason van Emburgh: Philadelphia Weekly: As irrelevant as the Orange Douchenozzle they supported.

Mattowanbucksco: Kenney and Wolf: fire one lose both free. Pretty please.

Sasyesq: This is a low blow. No administration is perfect. What about all the good that’s been done? Fighting the Trump admin to keep Philly a sanctuary City?? Hiring diverse leadership (water commissioner; sheriff; prison commissioner). Of course a lot more work needs to be done on crime, but asking for his resignation is a cheap shot. Let me find out this magazine is being run by Republicans..I know that’s what ya’ll want but Philly will never ever have a Republican mayor.

Bigmikeexpo: You won’t have to ask his old neighborhood twice.

Reverendtye: Our whole Billy Ciancaglini For Philadelphia Mayor Campaign was about finally Philly would have a Mayor that would work for the people.

Rebuilding Philadelphia’s Schools turning them into clean air, and state of the art learning student campuses. Real help for citizens suffering from drugs-opioids addictions. Revitalize neighborhoods that’s been run down, and forgotten.

Create good paying jobs, put public safety plans in motion to protect those neighborhoods that are lost to years of violent crimes, and gangs, and drugs. Etc Etc Etc

Gbotic: Thank you @phillyweekly!!! On the side of the people!! 

@phillyinquirer is a joke, they are so controlled by city hall that they won’t even mention the democratic primary and Carlos Vega.

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