The Scene: Christmas Village

We know, we know – it’s not Christmas yet.

It’s not even Thanksgiving! Halloween just passed! There’s still so much time left in the long and seemingly unending national nightmare we’ve come to know as “2018!”

But be all that as it may, that’s not going to stop us from evangelizing for one of the best damn events of the entire damn year (sorry, Santa … and Jeebus).

Christmas Village in LOVE Park is Philadelphia’s answer to New York City’s Union Square Holiday Market. And much like its Big Apple-based big brother, Christmas Village is all about the whimsy. The wonder. The twinkle in your eye and the song in your heart.

Or something.

It’s also all about the 80 vendors offering up arts, crafts, clothes, toys, sweets, spice and everything nice and everything really, really, super duper extra special nice too.

It might still be Thanksgiving for a few more hours, but Christmas Village is right around the corner. So get ready to feel like a kid again, ya filthy animals (sorry, McCauley … or is it Mr. Culkin?).

Nov. 22-Dec. 24 Free. LOVE Park. Arch St.


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